Vectis Fairway PGM VISIT 2013


Ninja Visit by PGM

On Wednesday 6th of November 2013, at a Regular meeting of Vectis Fairway Lodge 8923, a surprise visit from the Provincial Grand Master, turning up un-announced, slightly shook the Worshipful Master Brian Manser, and for that matter most everybody in the Temple.

After offering the Gavel and it being returned promptly, the meeting progressed normally until the second rising. 

Then, after a tantalising description of someone who had done so much for Freemasonry that he had decided to make a special visit to the Isle of Wight to present him with an award, his escorting DC (W.Bro. David Foot, PIO) left the Lodge, as if to bring in the said person.


Seconds later, in returned W.Bro. David with a framed certificate. The  Provincial Grand Master then named the individual as W.Bro. Clive Boynton. To say W.Bro. Clive was surprised is an understatement, as he looked around for some inkling as to what was going on but then was gently led by W.Bro. Foot to the PGM.


The Provincial Grand Master explained that it was very rare for a "Certificate of Service to Freemasonry" to be presented, and that he had only ever presented four in his four years as PGM and that it gave him great pleasure to present it to W.Bro. Clive.


Many kind words were said about W.Bro. Clive and his contribution to Freemasonry and he said many emotive words in return (never being lost for an answer at these times as everyone is aware!)


A good meeting and Festive board afterwards was had by all and it is safe to say that W.Bro. Clive will be talking about the event for many a year in the future. 








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