Archie Whitehead
W. Bro. Archie Whitehead
Member of Vectensian Lodge 7852
Archie was the second Initiate into the Lodge, on 14th December 1962 and it makes interesting reading that the acting W.M. for the meeting was Bro. H Collyer, who performed the ceremony, assisted by Bros. W.Wright, and G. Mansell, all founder members.
Archie progressed through the offices and attained the chair of King Solomon in December 1971 and received the active Provincial Rank of Prov.AGDC in 1978. He was further promoted to P.P. Dep. G.D.C., and 1991.
He succeeded Percy Russell as Director of Ceremonies, a position he held for many years and at the same time took on the organisation of ladies' festivals, and was still involved when well into his nineties.
He was also a past Preceptor of The Lodge of Instruction, remaining as a Vice President until his sad departure. He was also Lodge Provincial Representative for many years, both offices which he carried out with great dignity and the respect of the lodge.